Buju Banton ADD
Koffee @ Reggaeville Yearbook 2018
01/29/2019 by Gardy Stein

2018 is history. Not in the making anymore, but in the high vibrations of our individual and collective memories. And, since it‘s vibes we are dealing with, here comes our annual Reggaeville Yearbook to look back on the last twelve months and summarize the musical blessings they brought!
2018 is historical in that it saw „Reggae Music of Jamaica“ being included on UNESCO‘s Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, and the return to freedom of a decade-long imprisoned Buju Banton.
2018 is histories about A Matter Of Time, The Next Generation, Kontraband, Unbreakable, Hope River, Love & Life, Roots I Vision and many more: Reggae Forever & Never Ending! In our Reader‘s Poll, you told us which stories have touched you the most, and were surprised by the winner - Samini is the first ever African artist to top our poll with his album Untamed! Find all the results in detail on page 108/109.
2018 is her story as well: Koffee! Featuring our artist of the year in an extensive interview, she tells us about her 2018 and how important it has been for her young career, as well as introducing us to her debut EP Rapture, announced to be released in March.
2018 is also our story, we are proud to say. Reggaeville is one of the most popular Reggae Channels on YouTube, counting 100 million views throughout the year with a total of 850,000 subscribers (a plus of 380,000 compared to 2017) who followed our 469 Video Premieres as well as interviews and live videos. Also, we registered impressive 2.4 million visits on our website, made more than 5,000 posts on Facebook and reached the 100,000 follower milestone on Instagram.
Thank you, dear readers, watchers & listeners, for your continued support! We work hard to keep you up to date with the latest news in Reggae and Dancehall music, and although this Yearbook offers a thorough coverage of the artists, albums and festivals of 2018, make sure you keep checking our homepage REGGAEVILLE.com regularly - there is soooo much more to discover!
In numerology, 2018 was a year of cooperation and relationships, of teamwork and diplomacy - charismatic, wise and intuitive! Let‘s extend this energy into the new year as well which is said to resonate with creative self-expression, optimism, and inspiration as well as self-awareness. Blessed 2019!