Christopher Martin ADD

Gentleman 12/5/2010



Christopher Martin

with: Gentleman | Jahcoustix | Mamadee | Tamika

Lille, France @ Splendid


Due to productional reasons because of the bad weather conditions these days the show in F-Lille on December 5th will be relocated to the following location and date.

Date: 22.04.2011

City: F-Tourcoing

Venue: Le grand Mix

Festival Les Paradis Artificiels

Tickets have to been changed at place of buying during a two month period starting now! For the new date and location the tickets will be cheaper.

Due to productional reasons because of the bad weather conditions these days the show in F-Lille on December 5th will be relocated to the following location and date.


Date: 22.04.2011

City: F-Tourcoing

Venue: Le grand Mix

Festival Les Paradis Artificiels


Tickets have to been changed at place of buying during a two month period starting now! For the new date and location the tickets will be cheaper.