Damian 'Jr. Gong' Marley ADD
Mighty Crown Scores 3-Peat Victory at Jamrock Cruise's Sound Clash at Sea 2017
11/25/2017 by Irish and Chin Press Release

In the early morning of Friday, November 17, thousands of revelers experienced the exciting and entertaining art form of sound clash! First hand, the masses witnessed Mighty Crown nab their third victory at Sound Clash at Sea: Welcome to Jamrock Reggae Cruise's official sound clash.
With Sound Clash at Sea quickly becoming one of the most anticipated events aboard the action packed Welcome to Jamrock Reggae Cruise. It's incredible buzz and overwhelming support are no surprise! By all means, the clash exceeded expectations, boldly showcasing the musically eclectic sound clash culture! Key players including Mighty Crown, David Rodigan, Tony Matterhorn and King Turbo magically upheld clash standards as they drew for awfully witty speeches, jokes, costume changes and dub specials cut just for the cruise!
David Rodigan's speeches were primarily presented from a historical perspective. Combined with true sound boy killing dubs, classic and rare tunes, David Rodigan was declared a gem from early. In what has been billed as his first official clash in a few years, the Rudeboy Gentleman justified why he has staying power and can compete with the best of them. His generation transcending love and knowledge of the music, plus creative and often times funny commentary, will be forever etched in the minds of the thousands on deck for the clash. Fans and competing sounds alike found themselves between chuckling and taking notes during the famed UK selector's set.
The 2016 and 2017 World Clash champs King Turbo came in extremely hard at Sound Clash at Sea, showcasing their authentic clash craft. In fact, dropping wicked and non-stop Chronixx, Freddie McGregor, Jr. Gong and big artist dubs from early yielded colossal forwards for the Canadian sound. Notably, King Turbo, who landed a coveted slot in Sound Clash at Sea due to their World Clash victory, left a lasting impression on the massive crowd.
Mighty Crown was a crowd favorite from the clash's start with roars of laughter erupting as Sami T asked "Matterhorn, why are you even here?" Between Sami T's hilarious speeches, which kept the audience in stitches, and penetrating dubs, The Far East Rulaz sizzled in rounds 1 and 2. Further, their counteractions to tunes played by King Turbo and Matterhorn gave them musical advantage. One thing for sure, the Mighty Crown and Tony Matterhorn rivalry, which first sparked in the 2016 clash, went full throttle at this year's Sound Clash at Sea. Giving way for some of the night's most entertaining moments.
Tony Matterhorn has been a force in the sound system arena for two decades. Without question, time in the game worked in his favor. The crowd roared and gave some of the night's biggest forwards to the skilled selector who took no shorts when it came to cussin' Mighty Crown. Matterhorn chatted and unleashed knock out dubs that the crowd loved. With King Turbo and David Rodigan's elimination in earlier rounds, the fiery selector once again secured his position in a "tune fi tune" against Mighty Crown, a flash back to 2016!
The "tune fi tune" was an incredible finale to the clash. The crowd held on to their seats as the explosive tunes erupted. Although Matterhorn was well received through out the clash, his steam ran out during the final stretch. Ultimately, Mighty Crown out shined Matterhorn 4-0 in the "tune fi tune," scoring a 3-Peat victory of Sound Clash at Sea.
Much to Matterhorn's credit, despite defeat, he had another stellar performance at Sound Clash at Sea. While the International Mighty Crown once again proved they are a renowned champion sound, sound clash again scored on the Welcome to Jamrock Reggae Cruise. The massive, diverse audience was treated to an authentic and fun taste of sound clash!
Watch the Sound Clash at Sea here: