Denroy Morgan ADD
Update: Denroy Morgan Out On Bail / Arrested in New York

Denroy Morgan Out on Bail For Marijuana Charge; Son Refutes 'Official' Version of Events
Roy "Gramps" Morgan, the eldest son in Morgan Heritage, has dismissed the widely circulated version of events leading to his father's arrest as "baloney." He declined to offer specific details, due to the pending court case, the date of which has not been set.
"That is not what really happened, but that is what the media does; they fabricate stories, because they have to sell papers," said Gramps, via telephone. "Rastafarians use 'nuff ganja, that is a reality, it is part of our holy sacrament."
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According to the NY Times, Denroy Morgan has been arrested on wednesday, 9/15/2011.
Questioning of Reggae Artist Led Police to 300 Pounds of Marijuana
When Denroy Morgan blew through a stop sign in the Bronx on Wednesday, he began a chain of events that ended with the arrest of two people and the discovery of a stash of shrink-wrapped bales of more than 300 pounds of marijuana.
Police officers say they pulled Mr. Denroy over for running the stop sign at around 4 p.m. Mr. Denroy, a former reggae star, was also charged with not wearing a seat belt.
There was also the matter of the pungent aroma of marijuana seeping out of the car.
The officers, detectives from the New York City Police Department’s Narcotics Borough Manhattan Tactical Response Team, were in the area on another investigation. They said they questioned Mr. Denroy, who indicated there was marijuana in the trunk. Two bags totaling 25 pounds were discovered. […]
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