DJ Chiqui Dubs ADD

DJ Chiqui dubs from Panama, what the real name is Jean Alexandro born in the year 1985, he started his career as Actor in the Television from Panama in 1995 for 5 years, after, Chiqui dub’s begins to producing remix for the program of television reggaemania, a years later, Dj Chiqui dub’s decided to start travelling for other countries with the intention of expanding new borders (central america, Europe) In this trip big opportunities have appeared as Concerts, festivals, Radio and many more...
One knows him with the name of war of: " DJ CHIQUI DUBS " is one of the most consecrated and very known like " DJ SELECTOR " worldwide in LatinoAmérica's reggae and Europe. In his nine (9) years of work as selector, his activity has been frantic.
He has led programs of reggae in radios and television, has perform in hundreds of Various festivals in Central & South America and Europe.