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Night Nurse - Gregory Isaacs & Various Artists Pay Tribute To Covid19 Workers
06/15/2020 by Press Release

The beginning of this Year 2020 we started to celebrate Gregory Isaacs' 70th Birthday. All was well we set up a 1 Year Celebration with different Projects, Events and Festivals globally. To cancel all, was not an easy road.
Covid19 (Corona Virus) entered the World…almost at the speed of light and all best plans came out as smoke and only echo, and the World got shocked and stood still for some month, and an end of this situation is not in sight. But guess what Covid19: You force us on our knees, but you do not prevent us from getting up! We say it with Music which you can’t stop!
All over the World we see #Covid19 Workers, not only in Hospitals also in our daily life’s, to keep us as humans alive. They are risking every day and night their own life for all of us. On behalf of the late Gregory Isaacs we know, it is a supportive Signal to the global world and especially to this mentioned workers, to show our respect and support in form of a video on the “Night Nurse” Riddim by Flabba Holt.
Featured Artists:
Flabba Holt (Jamaica)
Mr. Vegas (Jamaica)
Rocky Dawuni (Ghana)
Wyre (Kenya)
Dotta Coppa (Jamaica)
Megumi Mesaku (Japan/UK)
Papa Michigan (Jamaica)
Glenny (Suriname)
Afrikan Simba (Nigeria)
IZA (Poland /Germany/USA)
Kayafyahouse (Cap Verde)
Kenny Smyth (Jamaica)
Darrio (Jamaica)
Adonai (Brazil)
Moreover, it is agreed, that the benefit of sales, whether by Video monetization or by generating benefit of sales of the Single release, are “reserved funds” for Musicians and Artist in need through Covid19 times, globally.
Download & Stream the song @