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BuffBaffTV presents Riddim Production Live on Twitch
01/06/2021 by Reggaeville

The pandemic keeps us in captivity, but can’t restrain our creativity.
That’s why BuffBaff Records out of Berlin came up with something brand new in 2021: BuffBaff TV.
Every week starting on today, January 6th, BuffBaff TV will be broadcasting a recording session from Planet Earth Studios in Berlin live on Twitch. You can watch live composing, arranging and recording of a new riddim.
You will get the opportunity to witness the creation of a new instrumental, observe the musicians, interact and influence the outcome of the music via live chat. The result will be a fresh riddim release on BuffBaff Records every week.
Before X-Mas BuffBaff have been busy already and recorded two riddims including a Dub version by Aldub.
India 11:30pm - 01:30am (IST)
Europe 07:00pm - 09:00pm (CET)
USA (East Coast) 01:00pm - 03:00pm (EST)
USA (West Coast) 10:00am - 12:00am (PST)
Featured on a remarkable list of records and having worked on a stunning number of productions, the musicians and producers Josi Coppola, Fabian „Odi“ Zepezauer and Frank „Pollensi“ Pollak have taken the next step and founded their own label BuffBaff Records.
The aim of their independent music label is releasing their own productions focusing on Reggae music. Homebase of BuffBaff Records are the Planet Earth Studios; with its modern facilities this high-end studio complex offers unlimited possibilities for future productions and releases.