Hailee Araya ADD

Hailee araya is a 22 year old Ethiopian Swedish singer songwriter born and raised in lund. She was attach to music from the very start and quickly learned the piano (which she played for several years and still composes her songs to) then began guitar lessons and is now taking on the drums and completely dove into music the moment she was in a position to do so. Her love for writing is also someth...ing that gave birth to another passion which is scriptwriting. to her credit she has 5 scripts that she wrote herself, first one complete when she was only 14, but she does have a special love for writing songs.
'Music is a source of inspiration and strength and comfort. its such a wonderful journey when you hear a track and the....entire song forms in your head and that rush gets very addictive. I don't always write something i personally see fit to voice myself because of maybe the nature of the song, or the beat isn't the vibe im in for my particular journey at this moment but that's what makes me very proud. this inspiration i get from listening to a track is not limited to what is my preference for myself as a singer personally which is why i Enjoy writing for people in all genres of music as well. words form when i hear music without them. period."
As an actress she has attended theatre in Lund since childhood before continuing on to College to attend The American Academy of dramatic arts.
Due to her African and European background Hailee is multi lingual which landed her a french speaking lead role in a short film called "pillow talk' produced by Anagram productions in Sweden. for this she has a credit on IMDB and got the pleasure of working with one of the top production companies in Sweden. It recieved wonderful reviews at the Gothenburg film festival and by critics. Hailee has also worked with Fox networks in collaboration with Emmy winning production company 'The company P' in 2009 where she was chosen to play the lead in a webseries 'dollplay' created to promote Joss whedons new show Dollhouse. Hailee is currently in negotiations for different roles.
Hailee has performed in several festivals since early teens, including the Uppsala Reggae Festival in 2009. Her first official single 'rid you of my love' (written and performed by Hailee Araya, produced by Paul Kastick) is set to be released 20th December 2011.