House Of Riddim ADD
Teacha Dee meets James Bond - 'No Time To Die' Incorporates Rastafari Way
02/26/2021 by Gardy Stein

The new James Bond movie No Time To Die will not only present hot visuals shot in Jamaica, but will also feature a Jamaican artist. As was revealed this week by The Jamaica Gleaner, the song Rastafari Way, written and performed by Teacha Dee, was confirmed to be included in the 25th 007 film set for release on October 2021.
Asked how he feels about this achievement, the singer by the name of Damion Darrel Warren confides: "I can’t believe I am getting the same powerfully happy feeling all over again now that this news is out. I know Sam Gilly and the crew as well as Perfect Giddimani must be feeling the same way."
First released on Perfect's Giddimani Records label in 2016, this fine piece of music (also called The Horn Of Africa Riddim) was recorded by the Austrian House Of Riddim band consisting of Manfred Scheer, Herb Pirker, Parvez Syed, Lorenz Spritzendorfer, Martin Fischer, Markus Hoffmann and Sam Gilly.
The trio of Teacha Dee, Perfect Giddimani and House Of Riddim has worked together on several occasions before, releasing singles and playing on festivals, especially since Teacha Dee made Germany his permanent home (the artist has worked as a teacher in Jamaica before he chose the Rastafari way and focused on his musical career). What is happening now, though, is more than any of them could have imagined in their wildest dreams: "Ever since Sir David Rodigan played Rastafari Way on BBC 1Xtra, the whole team which includes House Of Riddim, Giddimani Records and I were excited and hoping that this song will do great things for us. This is why I even made it the title track of my second studio album in 2017. However, I believe none of us saw this movie placement coming!"
When the visuals of Rastafari Way were ready, Reggaeville premiered the video in August 2016, and by last summer it had reached a respectable 500,000 views - a number that is expected to rise now that the news is out! Considering the positive effects such a deal has for both the participating artists and for the whole Jamaican Reggae industry, it should be made compulsory for movie companies to promote the art and culture of the often exotic regions they film in.
While we will have to wait a couple of months before we can experience the combined splendour of movie and music, Teacha Dee's gratitude is immediate: "I would like to big up Sam Gilly and the House Of Riddim team, along with Perfect Giddimani and Giddimani Records, as well as all online media houses who have helped us to present the world with this now historic reggae song Rastafari Way."