Israel Vibration ADD

Israel Vibration - Interview with Lascelle 'Wiss' Bulgin | Part II – The New Album

02/28/2025 by Angus Taylor

Israel Vibration - Interview with Lascelle 'Wiss' Bulgin | Part II – The New Album

Israel Vibration’s latest album, Reggae Music Never Dies, is out now. Co-produced by Aston Barrett Jr. it features the final songs contributed by founder member Skelly Spence before his death in 2022

In part 2 of this exclusive interview with remaining Israel Vibration founder member Wiss Bulgin, he talks about the process of making the album, Skelly’s contributions and messages, and his memories of his friend. 

How long were you working on the new album with Skelly? And what was the journey like to complete the album once he was gone?

We started working on this in ’21. It wasn't consistent. Because here he was in New York and I am in Texas here. It started out where it was just like one song and then we sent it to the musicians. We sent it to Rafael who sent it to Aston. And then Aston built around it. But it had to stop because of the pandemic. Because of the virus. And as we go along we did two more songs, sent it to Rafael again and they send it to me. And I had to go back in the studio to do the vocals. And the same thing for Skelly. He was in New York. He sent it to Aston, Aston does what he do, then sent it back to him then he gets in the studio and he does the vocals. 

As time went by I could more or less see that Skelly wasn't feeling so well. For some reason. His voice wasn't kind of going up to date, you know? That was like in 2021-2022. It was still going slow. We were getting there slowly but Skelly wasn't feeling so well. And then we had a tour and physically that was the first time I saw Skelly since 2019, on tour in 2022. And when I saw him he wasn't looking all the way he was supposed to look, you know what I mean? But he didn't say anything much. Anyway, we continue and then I realised he still wasn't feeling so well. And then he started telling me about his hand. Like he couldn't feel one of his hands and he couldn't grip and hold onto his crutches. For some reason. 

In 2022 going in to do this festival he said his hand wasn't back to normal and he didn't think he could make the trip. So he didn't come to that show you know? So we did it all of that and we came back and he still wasn't feeling so well. And all the way from 2022 we went out again on tour in the US but he wasn't feeling well and he didn't follow up. We were still working on the album slowly. I think he did three tracks and then they sent the tracks back to me and I did his harmonies and stuff like that. Then when we were working on this album called Reggae Music Never Dies, we did like 10 tracks with Aston. after working with Aston, I feel it's a good experience working with him because it reminds me of the days when we were working with The Wailers

At Tuff Gong. 

And he kind of gives me that vibe of his father, you know what I mean? He has the potential to keep going forward. He has it. He has that vibe and he can do it. This is like I am giving another set of musicians the opportunity to exercise their talent also. So it's a really good vibes.

How did you link up with Aston?

We linked him through Rafael. Rafael contacted us saying Aston was interested in doing some work with us. 

He played a lot of instruments on the album. Rhythm guitar, drums, bass, piano and percussion as well as doing some singing. 

That's what I'm saying right. He's kind of versatile. He's kind of talented. He has the ability to do a lot.

How did you start working with Rafael?

From 1999 we've been working with Rafael for a long time. We've been working with him from when he used to work with Israel. I'm not sure if you know Israel, he's from Intershow. He and Rafael they work together.

So he knew you through the whole RAS Records and Mediacom thing. So how did you decide to start working together on this album?

Skelly mentioned it to him. Skelly said he would like Rafael to take up certain responsibilities. So he said alright he'd give it a shot then. Rafael didn't have no doubts because Rafael knows that we can do some stuff.n He's been working with us for quite a while and he sees us more than one time on shows. And then I think before Skelly went out…. that was before the pandemic came in. The virus thing… There were some people that were interested in doing an album with us situated somewhere in Europe. As everything was coming in motion, then came the pandemic. And then everything got played back. Everything changed. And then there was a big gap between what was supposed to take place. So everything was laid back. And then we gradually got back up, you know?

And then you said you were going to do the album with Rafael and his crew and Aston?

Yeah man. Everything just surfaced up again. That's how we started to do it slowly again now. Rafael contacted me and said “I've got some rhythm tracks”. So I stayed here in Austin because I have a keyboard and stuff right here. I first made the rhythm tracks here, on my keyboard. And then I got it on the phone with a rough voice. And then I sent it to Rafael. Rafael sent it to Aston. And then Aston got it on his devices in the studio and recorded it. That's how we did it. When he laid the tracks and the drums and the base and everything else, they sent it back to me here. Fifth Street studios in Austin. I do the vocals and the harmonies, then I send it back to Rafael, he gets it back and then they do what they do, the engineering, the mastering, mixing and whatever. Yeah, that's how we do it. And the same thing with Skelly. Skelly does it so. The rhythm tracks send to Rafael and Rafael send it back to Aston. Aston builds around it. 

Did you do the harmonies for your own songs? And did you do any for Skelly’s songs? I noticed Carol Dexter on the credits who did some as well.

Yes. I did the harmonies on mine. I did the harmonies on some of Skelly's. And then when they send it back to Rafael now, Rafael gets in touch with Aston and then Aston gets his people in. They played it back and wherever they can fit in with that lady, that female voice, then she fits in also.

Were Skelly's vocals intended to be the final versions or was he planning to do some more before he checked out?

When he checked out those were just like what he had. Whatever we had recorded when he started feeling ill that's where it stopped right there. I said “Okay, then we won't change anything. We're going to make it stay just the way he had it. And then we build around it”. And we didn't change anything about it.

It works and feels emotive listening to the album and hearing that those are his last vocals and his last songs.

Yes, exactly. 

Apart from Aston you have some great Jamaican musicians on the album. Dwight Pinkney on guitar and Dean Fraser on sax, who you've worked with a lot in the past. Steve Golding did some arrangements. I've seen you on tour with him before. But Flabba is not on it because I guess Aston plays the bass.

Yes. I want to tell you though that for overdubs now, I was nowhere around to see who was there. I wasn't there but I know Dwight and I know Dean Fraser. Some of the other musicians now, I don't know them physically. But we work with a lot of good professional musicians and those who are featured on it everything is cool same way. They are professionals and they do what they are doing and when they team up together everything can be done properly.

Let's talk about some things you did have more direct experience of - the messages in the songs you wrote. Your messages on the album are very encouraging like Next Generation about trying to influence the youth and help them move forward.

Well, it's all about the people, you know? We get inspiration from people. The way people live. The things they endure and the things they encounter. If they're involved in bad things it's going to be a bad reflection. So we like to let people be aware of things that can keep them back, you know? In terms of the things they are involved in like the activities and the places that they go and the people who they associate with. Those kinds of things can make a difference within their daily life. So we make them focus on conscious and let them be aware of their surroundings and their activity. We see what they do every day. We hear about it. We see it in the news. We see it in the street. And we see the way they live. And then the younger generation, the kids now, if the kids see the Elders doing whatever they're doing, they will feel like that's what they're supposed to do also. So if the Elders can make a difference then the kids will find themselves going in the right direction.

As well as what you see in life and on the news, what about social media? Often people behave badly to get attention on social media. Do you use social media or do you leave it alone?

I see the social media and things like that but I don't really follow up with it. The what them call it? The TikTok. I don't really get myself involved with that. I don't communicate with people on the TikTok or anything like that. No. I don't like the scandalous thing. But then again it is good to know what is happening around you. 

The song Wake Up was released as the first single. It's another conscious song about doing the important daily things that make life happen but also being mindful of your surroundings. 

Yes, it is communicating the same thing. Like reflecting on the generation saying “Wake up”. Saying “You need to pay attention to what is happening around you man. You're taking it too slight. You need to pay attention to what is taking place. Wake up. Pay attention. Be attentive. Be alert. Be ready to look out for the unexpected. It is right there in front of you. If you make one mistake, that's all it takes for you to lose your space. Be on the lookout and be positive. Be concerned about your kids. Teach the kids the right way. When they're going here and going there doing this and doing that. Wake up.”

And it's the same on the next single Don't Let Dem Make Them Do. It's very much about being conscious. You say “Don't run after things you can't see”.

Some people have it so hard in life and sometimes you find yourself in the spot where it's very difficult. At the same time now, you can't give up. You have to push yourself forward If you find yourself in a difficult spot and you fall down. Just like in life if you're going outside right now and you fall down you're not going to stay down there you're going to pick yourself up. And keep going forward, you know? So it's the same in life. It might be hard right now today and you find yourself in the struggle but there are ways to get over. So you have to find it and you have to keep going forward. Sometimes someone you know can give you a helping hand to keep you going forward. You can't give up, you know what I mean? And at the same time you must not make anyone let you do the wrong thing. If you want to do the wrong thing you make that decision yourself. But you must not make anyone make you do the wrong thing.

Tell me about the song Gun Hawk. You live in the state of Texas where guns are popular in some places! 

(Laughs) Right. Gun Hawk was more reflecting on a lot of things that were happening in Jamaica. Gun Hawk is like those people who love to play with guns. Because a lot of guys love to have guns. They are so trigger happy, you know what I mean? And they are so carried away by having a gun. When they have a gun they feel so empowered. Then sometimes now when they have the slightest little disagreement then it turns out in a gunplay. So Gun Hawk is saying now Babylon makes the guns. The system makes the guns. And guns were made for only one reason. Guns were made to destroy. It's a destructive weapon. So it is very dangerous to have a gun in your possession. Especially when you come into a conflict with your friends. And these are the things where you can go bad. Gun Hawk is like the weapons of destruction. In the hands of people who fear not. And then they use it to their disadvantage, you know?

Another interesting song is Herbal Cure. Because it talks about how plants are medicine.

Yeah man, we'd love to be around plants. Because we know the plant is very viable and it's very important to mankind. Because it has a lot of healing property. It's contained in the plants. All the healing properties are in the plants. Wherever you take it they are in the plants, internationally, globally. The plants are the healing of the Nation. The plants. The herbs. All manner of herbs all over.

And it's quite worrying because there are probably still plants that modern medicine hasn't discovered for their healing properties, so we have to make sure these plants aren't destroyed.

Right. You have to take care of the Earth you know? You have to take care of the Earth and the Earth will take care of Us. That's how it is. Take care of the Earth and the Earth will take care of us. The Earth will always be there.

But we need to be there too. 

Yeah, man. 

I know you didn't write them and you weren't necessarily there when they were written but can you talk about Skelly's songs? His contribution to the album. Where he was coming from.

He has that song where he sings about Natty Farmer. That's also about the plants and things like that. Telling you to be like a cultivator. Plant your food. Help it grow. Same kind of thing as with the Herbal Cure. Yeah man, food is very important. The food is the medicine and the medicine is the food. Let your kitchen be your pharmacy. That's how it is in your home. You are your first physician. You as an individual. You are your first doctor. And then from there if something else happens that you can't deal with then you can seek advice from a second physician. But it starts at your home with what you eat. You prepare it yourself and you know exactly what's in it and you can take care of yourself. So the Natty is a farmer. With the ground basket on his head. A big basket full of food. Where he has the herbs and the yam and the potato and the things like that. So Natty Farmer was one of his songs. 

And one of his other songs is Reggae Music Never Dies. When the mockingbird sing. The mockingbird is talking about the people them. The brethrens and sistrens. The singers and players. The singers are the mockingbirds. They are the reggae musicians. They are the mockingbirds who keep singing. Reggae Music Never Dies because reggae is a music where it speaks about the people, the conditions of the people and the livity of the people. Because that's how it is. You find the lyrical content in the music reflects the way the people live. And what they endure. And what they encounter. How they interact with each other. Yes it's in the music. In other words, you can say for every situation there is a music to describe it. Whether it's a good situation or a bad one. There is a music to describe it. 

And also one more thing again. Just to point out the music that is the Next Generation. That melody was a melody that Skelly was putting together, but he didn't have no lyrical content to it. And then Rafael got in touch with me and said “Okay, there is a track here that Skelly has the melody but he has no lyrics to it. Can you do this? Can you put the words to it?” I said “Yeah man, no problem”. So he came up with the melody and I put the words together for Next Generation.

Through the years, how have you and Skelly traditionally written together? Do you often write together or do you just come with your own songs?

We come with our own songs. We never sat together and write together. He does it individually and I do it individually, you know? It's how we always do it.

In this situation because Skelly wasn't able to finish the album, you did more collaborative work?

Yes. Yeah man. 

At the end of the album on the final track After the Storm there is a message from Skelly to his fans. He's telling people to stay safe. Is this from the pandemic time?

Yeah, it's in the pandemic time. When it was still jumping around, you know? And he sent that message right there. So we just keep it the way he left it.

To hear him talking when he's not here anymore, and then to hear the song. It makes you feel something. It's important to know the story of the album when you listen to it. How you had to finish it without him.

Yeah man, yeah man. For real, you know? There are some things that have to remain the way it is, you know what I mean? We make it stay just the way it is.

So what are you going to be doing next now the album is out? I see you've got some tours in France and the US coming up…

We're getting ready to go out and do some more work again. Like the Radics and myself. And right now because we're in a different part of the world we cannot rehearse together. So I'm here and I do my rehearsal. How I do my rehearsal now is I have a set list, with all the songs that we're going to do. I find the songs them on the YouTube and I play them just the way they are on the set list. And I sing my part. That's how I do my rehearsal here. Every day. And the same thing for the musicians. They do a rehearsal of their stuff. And when we meet now we have one session one day when we meet on tour. And we rehearse that day, all of us. We rehearse together because right now we have this tour coming up and we're getting ready. 

Do you have to change up your set or will you be singing songs that Apple and Skelly sang lead on in the past? 

Yeah man, I sing some of their songs also. Sing some of their songs also in the programme. Because I know they are still in the minds of the people. And we keep them fresh, same way. We have to do it. Keep it floating.

What's kept you working with the Radics for so long? It's so nice to see you still working together.

It's a link, you know? And so we keep the link. If it works good it's just good. We just keep the link and it's like a family. Family link, a brethren link, a team. Teamwork. When we're in the studio that way there. If it makes good we keep it good. Keep it flowing.

Finally, for people that know your music but didn't know Skelly the person. What is your memory of Skelly as a person?

Skelly love to sing the songs people can relate to, you know? Skelly was a soldier, man. He loved to defend right things. Skelly was a man who love to help people. To help people and motivate them to stay positive. in the neighborhood he'd see a lot of things happening because the youth them need direction and he'd see that the youth need correction. And the songs he would sing can help them to change and go forward. And that's what he did. Skelly was a good soldier. Yeah, man!