Jamaica Papa Curvin ADD

Jamaica Papa Curvin has now reached the status of a Reggae Legend. Even before Reggae was born, Curvin came to Europe. He has taken a shine on ska and calypso, the precursors of reggae, in the early 1960s. From the "Bamboos of Jamaica" Curvin’s musical way led him over "Broadway" and "Malcolm's Locks" to "Boney M.". With "Boney M." Curvin toured as a drummer, even in the Eastern Bloc, which was closed for most other Western bands. His singing career began timidly at first but friends and musicians urged him to sing. Curvin could not let his drum go but because his instrument is anyway united with him he accomplished a rare feat: For years he has been playing drums while singing simultaneously. Meanwhile, he is the pure front man. After 40 years in Europe Jamaica Papa Curvin returned to the most beautiful island in the world: Jamaica. In Jamaica he runs a studio and continues what he already started in Germany: Supporting young talents. The secret of his authenticity: "I see my audience as a part of me, when I speak to my audience, I have a feeling I'm talking to myself", Curvin reveals.