Khalilah Rose ADD

If ever there was a pen and a pad to describe Khalilah, it would tell a
story of an artist so deep in her own thoughts of other people's struggle.
Khalilah is a conscious spirit whose music brings about awareness of the
world around her. Inspired as a young child her journey as a song writer
began at the age of 12. Her voice would travel through her home and soon her
whole family would be her original fan base, watching her as she would put
on musicals to entertain the elders. Khalilah has performed in New York City
and has also traveled back to her roots to perform in Jamaica. Her debut
single "No Gunz," produced by Carl James on the “Deeper Riddim,” is making a
great impression in the industry today for its meaningful lyrics. "No Guns"
relays the unfortunate story of many who have lost their loved ones to
violent deaths. It also takes a political stand while asking the question,
how all those guns got in the ghetto.
Currently backed by High Noon Band she is colorful and fluid as her taste
for music does not only span the reggae scene, but reaches across
boundaries. Currently penning her album, her credentials are broadening as
the executive producer for various tracks. She has worked with notable
producers, House of Riddim, Carl James, Bobby Digital, Phillip Smart, Fifth
Element Records and has had the opportunity to perform in venues with
Capelton, Luciano, Gyptian, India Irie, Etana, Yami Bolo and more.
Not only has a singer, Khalilah worked as the host for Forever Reggae
Television in which she interviews various artists within the reggae
industry. Khalilah also works as a teacher for children with special needs
and a support staff worker in a local homeless shelter.
Her earthiness and sparkling personality has won over the hearts of
directors, radio personality, producers and fans alike. This songstress
represents a strong history of women walking in light, learning in love and
standing up for what is righteous. Khalilah represents the truth.
If ever there was a pen and a pad to describe Khalilah, it would tell astory of an artist so deep in her own thoughts of other people's struggle.Khalilah is a conscious spirit whose music brings about awareness of theworld around her. Inspired as a young child her journey as a song writerbegan at the age of 12. Her voice would travel through her home and soon herwhole family would be her original fan base, watching her as she would puton musicals to entertain the elders. Khalilah has performed in New York Cityand has also traveled back to her roots to perform in Jamaica. Her debutsingle "No Gunz," produced by Carl James on the “Deeper Riddim,” is making agreat impression in the industry today for its meaningful lyrics. "No Guns"relays the unfortunate story of many who have lost their loved ones toviolent deaths. It also takes a political stand while asking the question,how all those guns got in the ghetto.
Currently backed by High Noon Band she is colorful and fluid as her tastefor music does not only span the reggae scene, but reaches acrossboundaries. Currently penning her album, her credentials are broadening asthe executive producer for various tracks. She has worked with notableproducers, House of Riddim, Carl James, Bobby Digital, Phillip Smart, FifthElement Records and has had the opportunity to perform in venues withCapelton, Luciano, Gyptian, India Irie, Etana, Yami Bolo and more.
Not only has a singer, Khalilah worked as the host for Forever ReggaeTelevision in which she interviews various artists within the reggaeindustry. Khalilah also works as a teacher for children with special needsand a support staff worker in a local homeless shelter.
Her earthiness and sparkling personality has won over the hearts ofdirectors, radio personality, producers and fans alike. This songstressrepresents a strong history of women walking in light, learning in love andstanding up for what is righteous. Khalilah represents the truth.