ManuDigital ADD

Descended from a family of musicians, ManuDigital has begun bass at thirteen years old, backed by his two guitarist brothers.
He plays in his first reggae band in 1994 were he discovers the stage and the public. Joining others groups later on he does his first steps on the Yvelines's stages.
Since ever fancying the Jamaican culture and the amount of styles and forms, ManuDigital decides to build up, with few close friends, his own Sound System. As a selector, he prooves his abilities during more than four years in a weekly radio show dedicated to reggae.
At nineteen, his passion and desire to professionalise himself make him integrate a famous jazz school to improve his way to play. He leaves it up four years later enriched by theories and technics from every music styles. On the side of his cursus, ManuDigital backs in live, with his turnatables or instrument, any of the most famous french reggae names and sets himself up as profesional bassman. Also composer, he takes part in many albums recordings, singles, international and french 12inchs.
Music lover and changeable, evolving during his meetings with different music styles permiting him to rich the biggest french stages.
In 2010, he forms part of a higly renowned band as incumbent bassman, with who he still perfoms actually.