Protoje ADD
Update: Protoje & Alborosie @ SummerJam 2013

After Snoop Lion has been announced for SummerJam 2013 last week... here are the next bunch of artists:
- Alborosie & The Shengen Clan
- Protoje & The Indiggnation
- Dendemann
- Furasoul
Read what Protoje said about his performance @ SummerJam 2012:
"Summerjam was one of the best experiences in my career. I came out and saw so many people, and I remember that my hand was shaking. Normally I never get nervous on stage, maybe before but not while I'm on. I saw my hand shaking and thought I must be really pumped up to do this. So I took the first two songs to calm down. Still it was so much fun! I did an hour set and when I came off the stage, I was told to go 15 more minutes. I wasn't with my band, so the backing band didn't know the music and just played a riddim, and I was just free styling on it. It was a joy!" [Taken from the interview @ REGGAEVILLE-YEARBOOK - READ AND DOWNLOAD HERE]
Check the line-up so far listed day by day HERE