Samory I ADD
Samory I - Strength
DIGITAL RELEASE / CD / VINYL [Easy Star Records, Overstand Entertainment]
Release date: 11/17/2023
01. Outside feat. Lila Iké
02. Crown
03. Blood in the Streets
04. Continent feat. Jesse Royal
05. My Son
06. Wrath feat. Kabaka Pyramid & Capleton
07. Ocean
08. Stormy Nights
09. History Of Violence feat. Mortimer
10. Jah Love
11. Harvest
Featured artists
Kabaka Pyramid / Capleton / Lila Iké / Mortimer / Jesse RoyalLISTEN
One of my favorite Jamaican expressions is "to give someone a strength", meaning to lend someone a hand, to help a fellow human being. It can mean both material assistance, as in providing a certain amount of money or any other physical thing needed ...
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