Sebastian Sturm ADD

Exactly two years after the release of his debut „This Change is Nice“ Sebastian Sturm presents the first single of his second album „One Moment In Peace“. The new songs appear even more grown up, more authentic, even though 28 year old Sebastian is one of the youngest reggae entertainers in Europe. Consequently he developed further his own style of combining classic song writing and authentic Reggae. Sebastian also attaches great importance to authentic lyrics. Fortunately you won´t find any reggae clichés on `”One Moment in Peace”. “I love to sing in pictures, it gives everybody the freedom to make his own version of the message of the song! “One moment in peace”. For example: To me peace is not always the opposite of military war! Peace can mean simple but important things like having a good neighbourhood, being satisfied with your own personal situation, being tolerant to your environment, or just having no stress with money! This is my personal point of view. Of course people in Afghanistan will have a completely different view of having “One Moment In Peace!” The Mood of “One Moment In Peace” changes with every song. Each song has its own story and Sebastian loves to combine serious lyrics with joyful music. Sometimes the vibes are melancholic, but always stay positive and full of hope. The music was strictly recorded with real instruments and similar equipment as used in the Motown- and Abbey Road Studios. Two Years ago Sebastian already celebrated this timeless sound of the roots of Soul and Reggae. Today this Philosophy of recording music has its renaissance not only in the Reggae Music. Contemporary artists such as Duffy and Amy Winehouse also exhibit that warm and soulful sound. „One Moment in Peace“ also reflects the development of Sebastian Sturm´s career during the last two years. The readers of Europe’s most important reggae magazine Riddim voted him Best Newcomer 2007 and 2008. His sensational live performances are the foundation of his Festival Summer 2007 at the best Reggae Festivals. In spring 2008 he is touring with his band through France. Concerts such as the sold out Zenith in Paris together with Groundation left a great impression on Sebastian Sturm. But he also left a great impression on the audience. „We had an unbelievably warm welcome in France. The people were dancing and screaming from the first until the last minute of our show. But not only the big shows in the cities, also the small concerts in the countryside were fantastic” says Sturm already looking forward to the upcoming tours in Germany, France and Tahiti in autumn 2008. Yes indeed, this artist is extraordinary, this artist is incredible for two reasons: his voice and his music! At 28 years of age this singer, songwriter and entertainer has delivered a perfect debut album and an even more perfect follow up. Sebastian is taking his own way to the top.