Singer Jah ADD

Singer Jah sings from the reggae land of Jamaica and has quickly join the ranks of positive reggae messengers coming out of Jamaica to the world of reggae.Growing up in Jamaica Singer Jah was inspired by his older brother and reggae singer ‘Ginjah’ and with the burning passion of reggae music pulsating through his voice Singer Jah auditioned for the Magnum kings and Queens of the Dancehall show and a royal reggae super star was born.
Singer Jah was crowned the Magnum King of the Dancehall on the 19 of April 2008 in Kingston Jamaica and has sinced recorded an album with famed Jamaican producer Cordell ‘Skatta’ Burrel.Register was the first song released by Singer Jah and the video for the song Register was released one month after the songs release but it was the release of his second song “Right on Time” that gain tremendous commercial and promotional status in reggae markets worldwide.Singer Jah has worked with many of the top producers in Jamaica,Europe and the United States of America, producing some of the best songs in the genre of reggae,singing conscious reggae songs for the upliftment of humanity and lovers rock ballads for his female fans and with his signature chant of ‘Waasskaa’ ‘Waasskaa’ Singer Jah enters the stage singing melodious reggae songs. Singer Jah has performed on all the major reggae festivals in Jamaica and his fans compare him to the late great Garnet Silk because he conveys so much emotion and feelings in his songs and performances.
The start of 2010 and Singer Jah has released three new singles entitled ''Bloody Streets'', ''I'm Sorry'' and the dancehall anthem ''I don’t fear dem'' and continues on his musical journey to be one of reggae’s fastest rising stars.Singer Jah brand new album is now available on itunes,the name of the album is ''Waasskaa'' and it consist of 13 blazing roots reggae songs,Check out the album.