Sly Asher ADD

Sly Asher - New Vision
DIGITAL RELEASE [AZK Productions, Baco music]
Release date: 11/29/2024
01. Je Suis Noir
02. The Lie
03. Music
04. Selassié
05. Prions
06. Believe I
07. Porte élevez vos linteaux
08. Vérité
09. The Lie (dub)
10. Prions (dub)
11/29/2024 Sly Asher - New Vision (Full Album)
Sometimes, a new vision is needed to find a solution to pressing problems, to set a plan into motion or to imagine a better future. Whichever of these (or other) motivations is behind the eponymous album released in November by AZK Productions ...
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