Soundquake ADD
Review & Photos: Rise Up Festival 2013
08/31/2013 by Lea Yeah

RISE UP FESTIVAL in Münster, Germany @ Sputnikhalle 8/30/2013
The main festival season is actually over now, but German massive still got the chance
to catch some festival vibes in Münster on friday, 30th August at the first edition of Rise Up Festival.
Taking place at Sputnikhalle, not far from Münster main station, the venue offered the typical festival-characteristics: A cosily furnashed outdoor-chill out area including a Jamaican food stand, additional to the main hall a second 'boom bamm bounce-floor' plus the fact that the announced soundsystems Soundquake, Supertuff, Splintercell, Tuff Tone and DJ Rockiy alternated about hourly with the showcases on stage to put the visitors in festival-mood.
As usual in 'Reggae Germany' the people showed up late, so the sounds Spintercell, Tufftone and Supertuff warmed up the audience till 12:45am to pave the way for Cornadoor.
Giving a self-confident, dynamic and vocally solid performance of mostly serious tunes like To All My People or Never Let You Go, Cornadoor succeeded in getting more and more audience close to the stage. After about one hour, encore Long Road constituted the final of his reveled gig.Ziggi Recado backed by Sultan from Herbalize It Sound entered the stage performing Joker Smoker at about 2:35am. He showed versatility by presenting both thoughtful (Gonna Leave You / Need To Tell You This) and powerfull-rebellious (Liberation' / 'Pretender) tunes that were mostly well-received by the massive.
Blissfully awaited, headliner Stylo G entered the stage giving a short acapella version of his most famous hit Call Me A Yardie what brought the audience's mood to boil immediately (what is not self-evident at 4 o'clock in the morning). His lively energy paired with his stylish-cool appearance captivated the audience during his whole performance and male visitors got their money's worth the latest when Stylo invited a red-haired dancehallqueen on stage to present his extraordinary daggering skills. His tunes like Soundbwoy, Swagga Dem or an epic combination with Sister Nancy, Badd, stroke a balance between his dancehall-mash-up-style and the consciousness-contents of Cornadoors and Ziggi Recado's tracks before.
Summarizing, the premiere of Rise Up Festival can be seen as an beginning of something big. The different sounds with each of them playing their own individual style combined with the performing artists and the beautiful venue with its food are keeping the festival-typical balance between party and culture.