Supersonic Sound ADD

Supersonic was founded in the summer of 1998 in Berlin, Germany, when Panza (Selector) recorded his first set of mix tapes. He soon started selecting on his own playing a few clubs in Berlin. Spider (MC) joined the sound in 1999 and after a brief period the two became a well known tag team travelling all over the country. In 1999 Uzzla joined the two and became an important addition to the crew. In 2005 Danny Fyah left his own Firesound and joined Supersonic in addition to Spider on the mic. Then in 2006 the "Remix-Don" Jr. Blender joined the sound and added his skills as a selector and producer. Supersonic did win several clashes over the years, the most important ones beeing "Kill Or Be Killed" 2001, "Riddim Clash" 2004, "War In The East" 2007, 2009 & 2010 and "Global Clash 2009" in Brooklyn, New York
In late 2007 Supersonic released their first production, the "Devils Angel" Riddim, which got great feedback all over the world. Further Releases are the "Rudie" Riddim , Bunji Garlin "Zum Zum" and on Jr. Blenders own "Blenders Finest" Label he released the "Treasure" and the "Oooh" Riddim.
Watch out for further releases in 2010!!
Over the years Supersonic Sound has been playing in a great variety of locations and places, e.g. Kenya, Gambia, Israel, Trinidad, USA, Jamaica and almost every European country. They play all kinds of styles dealing with Caribbean music - from ska to roots, from lovers to dancehall and even soca. It is their aim to show the entity and depth not only certain periods or extracts. Whenever you come to a Supersonic dance, satisfaction is guaranteed.