Tasha T ADD
Album Review: Tasha T - Real Talk

Tasha T hails from Toronto, Canada as a first generation daughter of Jamaican parents. The Real Talk album has an all-star lineup of producers including Mikey Bennett, Bobby Digital, Sheldon Stewart and more. Her writing reflects the strength and power of a woman who has observed the realities of the “rude boy mentality” and the issues of that the underprivileged face and comes with intention and purpose in an attempt to correct the situation.
After a short intro/interlude spoken in the first person as a testimonial about the realness of Rasta, Tasha T launches into Real Talk which seems to be a direct assault on the reality of government leaders and their decisions on issues related to health care, education and forwards to more radical issues related to overprescription of pharmaceutical drugs, Wikileaks, police harassment, radiation, food security are trumpeted. Real talk, as the artist explains, “mi haffi talk it straight from mi heart” cause she is a “freedom fighter, just like the Lion of Judah”.
Sung in a commanding chant style with deep knowledge, Tasha T comes with real talk on In A Di Jungle is a direct warning to the rude boys asking how long do they think they can “survive inna di jungle?”. A little call and response play on rude boy is taken up a notch with “rude girl” added as a reminder to the females. Tasha T’s writing maintains the continuous thread of a call for both strength and humility from the female perspective, and encouragement to those “trying to live a better life”.
The horn-driven Wailers’ riddim from Hypocrites is recreated for Mouth A Matic delivered in Tasha T’s singjay style suggesting that you better run when you see some people a come cause they are pure “labba labba” - the patois hybrid of the word “labrish” which means to gossip. She goes on to explain these people are carrying gossip and cause harm as “they carry go bring come and spit outta mouth like a gun”.
The classic Nyabinghi chant by Ras Michael & The Sons of Negus None a Jah Jah Children is given an updated interpretation complete with autotune and a stepped-up tempo that serves as an anthem to the Rasta woman to give people hope and strength to “wipe the tears from their eyes”.
Prescription appears to take cues from the production style of the Lucky Dube tune Prisoner echoing the riddim’s keyboard progression. The vibes are amped up to deliver a ganja tune about the medical benefits of marijuana as well as the multiple attributes and uses of the hemp plant itself.
Tasha T reflects on the past when families would gather and hold a joy in Family Reunion as opposed to the present days when families seem to gather only when there is a tragedy. The vocals are soulfully heralded over a smooth nyabinghi track.
Towards the end of the album, interludes are added into the mix, with a phone message from a remorseful lover as an intro to “Firm Meditation” which is a wonderful reminder to “never let material things control your emotions”, full of reminders to young women to stay in school, not give up, and be independent. “True Love” a sweet one drop that finds Tasha T singing a sweet chorus in honor of real love, using caution, taking it slow, avoiding love that will “break you down”.
An additional interlude serves to introduce a precious alphabet song Halemese Selassie - for the ancient Ethiopian Amharic language sung with Jeffrey Levi, as Tasha explains is “the language for the nation”. On Ethiopian Liberation and The Bible Speech (1967) Tasha continues the cultural lessons by reciting speeches from H.I.M. Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia interspersed with vocal runs in honor of the most significant figure in Rasta beliefs.
So rare is it these days to find conscious female artists in reggae producing full length albums that reflect conscious lifestyle and serve to mentor and foster progressive thought in such a mature way. Big up to Tasha T for keeping the mission going and holding firm from Canada to Jamaica and beyond.
Release details

Tasha T - Real Talk
DIGITAL RELEASE [RasVibe Records Inc.]
Release date: 05/06/2014
01. Intro - My God Is Real
02. Real Talk
03. Bed Of Fire
04. Ethiopia
05. In A Di Jungle
06. Mouth A Matic
07. Jah Jah Children
08. Prescription
09. Mr. Preacher Man
10. Family Reunion
11. Interlude - Voicemail
12. Firm Meditation
13. Today Is The Day
14. True Love
15. Long Distance Relationship
16. Interlude - Educational
17. Halemese Selassie
18. Educate Yourself
19. Ethiopian Liberation (May 5th 1941)
20. Bible Speech (1967)