Third World ADD
Message From The Family Stephen 'Cat' Coore and Third World

Message From The Family Stephen “Cat” Coore and Third World
[Press Release - Kingston, Jamaica] The family of Stephen “Cat” Coore and Third World would like to take this opportunity to provide an update to his beloved fans and friends while providing an accurate account of the events surrounding Cat’s hospitalization.
On November 29, 2022 Cat was admitted to the University of the West Indies hospital in Kingston, Jamaica to repair an idiopathic tear in his lower esophagus. The following day, a specialized surgical team successfully conducted that surgery. Due to the nature and location of the surgery, Cat has been fed and hydrated intravenously. This standard protocol helps to rest the esophagus, speed healing and was expected to last at least 10 days.
As early as the day following his surgery, Cat was recovering in the TTW of the University hospital. He received visits from family, band members and close friends. His spirits were good and he enjoyed playing his guitar and watching the World Cup to help pass the time while healing. He also took the time to speak to IRIE FM to let his fans know he was recovering well and appreciated the outpouring of love and support he received.
On December 12, 2022, Cat seemed to be developing some cold-like respiratory symptoms. He was moved to ICU where he could better be treated for a compromised lung condition that resulted from seepage of the surgical area into his chest cavity. As of today, December 17, 2022, Cat is alert, stable and receiving attentive care by the dedicated medical team at the University hospital. This untimely condition is not expected to significantly hamper Cat’s healing from the initial surgery or impede his full recovery.
We want to thank all the well-wishers here in Jamaica, throughout the diaspora and abroad. The concern and compassion you have shown is overwhelming and so gratefully received. Cat Coore has performed in every appearance throughout the bands distinguished history, please join us in wishing him a speedy recovery during the holiday season so that he can extend this impressive record. Touring plans are continuing to be scheduled as Third World gears up for its Golden 50th Anniversary in August 2023.
Please be mindful when sharing unverified information, you receive on social media platforms. We will continue to provide medically accurate and timely news releases as circumstances warrant.
As Cat aka Johnny Tiger would say, “You know I love you, right!”