Wicked Dub Division ADD
Various Artists - Sounds of (R)Evolution
Release date: 07/07/2020
01. Aba Shanti & The Shanti Ites - Joshua Horns
02. Aba Shanti & The Shanti Ites - Joshua Dub
03. Bushman - Repent
04. Bushman - Repent Dub
05. Conscious Sound x Tena Stelin - Smash Nazism
06. Conscious Sound x Tena Stelin - Smash Nazism Dub
07. Cultural Warriors x Sandeeno - Nah Go Get Better
08. Cultural Warriors x Sandeeno - Nah Go Get Dub
09. Dubcreator x Leo Tan - Heads Up
10. Dubcreator x Leo Tan - Heads Up Dub
11. Habesha x Saralene x High Elements - Open the Borders
12. Habesha x Saralene x High Elements - Open the Dub
13. Inner Standing Studio x Joshua Hales - Earth Citizen
14. Inner Standing Studio x Joshua Hales - Dub Citizen
15. Iration Steppas x D. Rootikal - Wicked man will melt away - discomix
16. Iration Steppas x D. Rootikal - Wicked man will melt away - dubplate mix
17. Moa Anbessa x Prince David - Can't breath
18. Moa Anbessa x Prince David - Can't breath Dub
19. Nomadic Roots All Stars x Dave Lunas - Let there be Love - discomix
20. O.B.F. x Don Cotti - Police brutality - discomix
21. Vibronics x Junior Dread - Police
22. Vibronics x Junior Dread - Police Dub
23. Wicked Dub Division & Michela Grena - Revolutionary Souls
24. Wicked Dub Division & Michela Grena - Revolutionary Souls Dub